Monday, February 3, 2025

RATHA SAPTAMI PRARTHANA (रथसप्तमी प्रार्थना)

रथसप्तमी प्रार्थना
आयुरारोग्यदातारम् आदित्यं ज्ञानकारकम्।
नमामि रथसप्तम्यां भास्करं भुवनेश्वरम्॥
जय जय श्रीराधे

Saturday, January 4, 2025


भ॒द्रं कर्णे॑भिः शृणु॒याम॑ देवाः। भ॒द्रं प॑श्येमा॒क्षभि॒र्यज॑त्राः।
स्थि॒रैरङ्गैस्तुष्टु॒वास॑स्त॒नूभिः॑। व्यशे॑म दे॒वहि॑तं॒ यदायुः॑।
स्व॒स्ति न॒ इन्द्रो॑ वृ॒द्धश्र॑वाः। स्व॒स्ति नः॑ पू॒षा वि॒श्ववे॑दाः।
स्व॒स्ति न॒स्तार्क्ष्यो॒ अरि॑ष्टनेमिः। स्व॒स्ति नो॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र्दधातु।
ओं शान्ति॒श्शान्ति॒श्शान्तिः॑॥

Monday, November 11, 2024

Whether doing SandhyA Vandanam and Gayatri Japam by Brahmanas living abroad is fruitful?

The Sastras clearly declare that Bharata Desa is the Karma Bhumi fit for the performance of various Karmas in order to be fruitful. But the question remains to be answered as to whether the Karmas performed by the Brahmanas who have gone abroad due to various reasons are fruitful or not.
It has to be admitted that place (desa) is an important aspect of performance of Karma which tilts heavily towards Bharata Desa. In the light of Bhagavad Gita, it is advisable to perform a karma and surrender the fruit to the Suporeme Lord ( Karma phala tyaga) instead of not doing anything (karma tyaga) irrespective of the fact that the karma performed outside is not as fruitful as done in Bharata Desa. SandhyA Vandanam is a Nitya Karma which has to be done as long as one is alive and fit. Even while some one is abroad, he has to do that sincerely. When a dvija lives abroad under certain inevitable circumstances, it is always preferable to perform the nitya karma to the extent possible rather than giving up the same totally, quoting the SAstras.
SandhyA Vandanam is nothing but chanting and celebrating the splendor and glory of the Supreme and his manifestations in different forms. The mental framework (bhAva) of the doer (KartA) is more important than the physical ritualistic aspects involved.
What is not possible through proper performance of VarNASrama dharma in such difficult circumstances can be compensated through devotionally chanting the mahAmantra. Thus, the deficiencies (lopas) of karmAnushthAna can be addressed through devotional surrender to the Supreme.
One should not condemn the changing yuga dharmas and those dvijAs who follow those, as the dvijAs are suited to the yuga concerned.
yuge yuge ca ye dharmAs tatra tatra ye dvijAh ।
teshAm nindA na kartavYA yugarUpa hi te dvijAh ॥
--- ParAsara
dhyAyan krute yajan yajnaih tretAyAm dvAparercayan ।
yadApnoti tadApnoti kalau sankIrtya keSavam ॥
--- VyAsa
YAvanna kIrtayet rAmam kalikalmasha sambhavam ।
tAvattishthati dehesmin bhayam cAtra pravartate ॥
--- Sivasarvasvam
SrutismrutipurANeshu rAma nAma samIritam ।
tannAma kIrtanam bhUyas tApatrayavinASanam ॥
--- Chyavana smruti
sarvapApa prasaktopi dhyAyannimishamacyutam ।
punastapasvI bhavati panktipAvana pAvanah ॥
--- PaiThInasI
natAvatpApamedhena yannAma hatam hareh ।
atireka bhayAdAhuh prAyascittAntaram vrithA ॥
--- YogayAjnavalkya
prAyascittAnyaSeshANi tapah karmAtmakAni vai ।
yAni teshAmaSeshANAm krishNAnus smaraNam param ॥
---SrI VishNu PurANa
kalau kalmasha chittAnAm pApadravyopa jIvinAm ।
vidhikriyA vihInAnAm gatir govinda kIrtanam ॥
In conclusion, Brahmanas should endeavor to do karmas to the extent possible and offer the fruit to BhagavAn in the true spirit of karma yoga. They should also daily do nAma japam and surrender unconditionally to BhagavAn. A vipra who does vihita kamAnushthAna should not find fault with others who do not do, as each one is driven by his own PrArabdha karma. He should not think that he is superior to someone who does not do kamAnushthAna properly nor to a dedicated Bhakta who is always immersed in the thought of the Supreme.
जय जय श्रीराधे


बलराम-सुभद्रा-जगन्नाथ प्रार्थना

बलराम प्रार्थनाा

कृष्णप्रियाग्रजं देवं महामङ्गलदायकम् ।
रोहिणीप्रियपुत्रं तं बलरामं नमाम्यहम् ॥

सुभद्रा प्रार्थना

मोहिनीं मङ्गलां देवीं योगमायास्वरूपिणीम् ।
कृष्णप्रियानुजां शान्तां सुभद्रां तां नमाम्यहम् ॥

जगन्नाथ प्रार्थना

जगदानन्ददातारं जगन्मोहनरूपिणम् ।
जनार्दनं जगदाचार्यं जगन्नाथं नमाम्यहम्॥

जय जय श्रीराधे

VISAKHA-KRISHNA-RADHA-LALITA PRARTHANA (विशाखा-कृष्ण-राधा-ललिता प्रार्थना )

विशाखा-कृष्ण-राधा-ललिता प्रार्थना

विशाखादेवी प्रार्थनाा

लावण्यरूपिणीं दिव्यां प्रेममार्गप्रदायिनीम् ।
प्रियां राधासखीं श्रेष्ठां विशाखां तां नमाम्यहम् ॥


राधयाराधितं कृष्णं गोपीजनमनोहरम् ।
राधिकावल्लभं श्रेष्ठं माधवं तं नमाम्यहम् ॥

राधादेवी प्रार्थना

श्रीगोविन्दप्रियां राज्ञीं वृन्दावनमनोहरीम् ।
कृपास्वरूपिणीं दिव्यां राधादेवीं नमाम्यहम् ॥

ललितादेवी प्रार्थनाा

रूपयौवनसंपन्नां वृन्दावनविलासिनीम् ।
राधाप्रियसखीं रम्यां नमामि ललितां शुभाम् ॥

जय जय श्रीराधे

NITYANANDA PRABHU - CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU PRARTHANA (नित्यानन्दप्रभु-चैतन्यमहाप्रभु प्रार्थना )

नित्यानन्दप्रभु-चैतन्यमहाप्रभु प्रार्थना

नित्यानन्दप्रभु प्रार्थना

श्वेतवर्णं दयासिन्धुं महाप्रभुप्रियं गुरुम् ।
कृष्णप्रेमनिमग्नं तं नित्यानन्दप्रभुं भजे ॥

चैतन्यमहाप्रभु प्रार्थना

महामन्त्रप्रदातारं माधुर्यभावसागरम् ।
मधुकृष्णस्वरूपं तं महाप्रभुं नमाम्यहम् ॥

जय जय श्रीराधे

Sunday, November 10, 2024

SRI VISAKHA DEVI PRARTHANA (श्रीविशाखादेवी प्रार्थनाा)

श्रीविशाखादेवी प्रार्थनाा
लावण्यरूपिणीं दिव्यां प्रेममार्गप्रदायिनीम् ।
प्रियां राधासखीं श्रेष्ठां विशाखां तां नमाम्यहम् ॥
जय जय श्रीराधे