Thursday, December 31, 2009

Vedic Management - The Holistic Approach to Managerial Excellence

A summary of the talk on ‘Vedic Management - The Holistic Approach to Managerial Excellence’ delivered by Dr S Kannan, Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services held on 23 November 2009 at Chennai

1. An overview of Vedas The Vedas refer to ancient knowledge of supreme authority. The Vedic literature is meant for the emancipation of the entire humanity. One can find in them an unceasing vibrant charm which has withstood the tests of time. Vedas are apaurusheya and have not been composed by any person or agency. Vedic poets are called seers of the Mantras and are not to be construed as the original authors of the Vedic Mantras.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


There are four types of yoga consisting of jnAna yoga, dhyAna yoga, bhakti yoga and karma yoga.
jnAna yoga is achieved through the knowledge of discrimination between Atma and AnAtma .

dhyAna yoga comprises of eight limbs ending with samAdhi.

Unconditional devotion towards the Supreme is bhakti yoga.

karma yoga refers to yoga through action. Though karma is said to be the cause for bondage, when performed without attachment in a selfless manner , it transforms into yoga. The term "yoga" represents union with the cosmic consciousness.

karma yoga has three essential characteristics in terms of desirelessness, proficiency and faith.
nishkAmatva (desirelessness) represents non-attachment towards the fruit of action.
kauSala represents skill in action.
Astikya buddhi refers to utmost faith in the Supreme .

The karma yogi has nothing to fear as he is engaged in selfless action without any ego. The world is characterized by karma. It is made of the triguNas of satva, rajas and tamas. It is a mixture of good and bad resulting in pleasure or pain. Doing good to the world destroys selfishness. Freedom from action is attained through action. Selfish desires are to be given up.

One should perform action based on his svadharma. Prescribed duties must be performed in a selfless manner. All ordained duties are equal. One who sees action in inaction and inaction in action is the Seer. Action may be done with the desire for liberation or for pleasing the Supreme or as service to the people.

The karma yogi maintains perfect peace and tranquility though he is moving in the midst of sense objects. He works like a great master. He is independent. He serves the Society tirelessly impelled by ultimate compassion. He achieves excellence through the path of karma yoga.

Friday, December 4, 2009


"Meditation is the profound journey from sound to silence.
It is the flight from external to internal.
It is the movement from goss to subtle.
It is the voyage from movement to stillness.
It is the travel from everything to nothing.
The stage of nothingness characterized by absence of any desire and thought represents the peak of meditation."
-- Dr.S.Kannan " Vedic Management- The Holistic Approach to Managerial Excellence, Taxmann, New Delhi, 2009 Edition.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Mind is composed of the following four faculties:
manas - Emotions, moods, likes, dislikes
buddhi - Intellect , reasoning, observation, conclusion, knowledge, creativity
cittam - Perception, cognition, memory, reflection, recollection
ahamkAra - Ego

Sunday, November 15, 2009


kAraNa SarIra ( Causal Body):
(a) Inexplicable
(b) Beginningless
(c) In the form of ignorance
(d) Sole cause for the gross and subtle bodies
(e) Ignorant of its own true nature
(f) Without thoughts (nirvikalpa)

Saturday, November 14, 2009


sUskhma SarIra (Subtle Body):
(a) Composed of five great elements ( panca mahAbhUta) which have not undergone the process of grossification (pancIkaraNa)
(b) Born as a result of good actions of the past (human body)
(c) Container for experiencing Pleasure and Pain
(d) Constituting 17 items –
5 organs of perception (jnAnedriyas – ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose)
5 organs of action (karmendriyas – speech, hands, legs, anus and genitals)
5 prANas ( prANa, apAna, vyAna, udAna and samAna)
mind (manah)
intellect (buddhi)

Friday, November 13, 2009


sthUla SarIra :
(a) Made up of five great elements ( panca mahAbhUta) which have undergone the process of grossification (pancIkaraNa)
(b) Born as a result of good actions of the past ( human body)
(c) Instrument for experiencing Pleasure and Pain
(d) Undergoes the six-fold modifications representing potential existence, birth, growing, maturing, decaying and dying.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Whether computer or robot can have a "Being" ?

Based on the three-fold principles of Vedic Philosophy known as tatva traya, the Universe is composed of three types of beings as follows:
(a) cit - Consciousness -- Sentient Being --This is the Subject principle. Human Beings, Animals, Plants, Birds which have a life principle . With a body they are born and they undergo six-fold modifications and perish. They suffer pains and enjoy pleasures. They are conditioned beings and have a lot of dependencies. The Atman (Soul) is imperishable. This is known as BMIS concept.(Body-Mind-Intellect-Self)
(b) acit - Insentient Being - This is the Object principle. Materials which do not have consciousness like stone, gold, sand, iron and so on. These are perishable. There is no life principle involved.
(c) ISvara - God - This is the creator and sustainer of the entire Universe. He is ancient and eternal. He is fully independent. He is both the material and efficient cause of creation.

Bhagavad GItA Chapter XV is known as purushottamayoga adhyAya .Lord KrishNa beautifully summarizes the above concept in this Chapter. Accordingly, the world is made up of three things as under:
(a) kshara -Perishable objects (Insentient). This includes the three types of bodies comprising sthUla SarIra (gross body), sUkshma SarIra (subtle body) and kAraNa SarIra (Causal body).
(b) akshara - jIvAtmA -- Imperishable (Sentient)
(c) uttama purusha - paramAtmA -- ISvara ---Supreme God who is the Lord sustaining the worlds. (Chapter XV-16, 17)

In the light of the above understanding, a Computer or robot is acit. It is kshara which is perishable. It does not have the consciousness and life principle. There is no "Being" involved in a Computer or robot though we may say it has some built-in Artificial Intelligence.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Atman (Self) is the source of energy.

AtmanA vindate vIryam- Kena Upanishad ii-4

From the Self, one attains energy.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


The yuga dharma makes it difficult for any one to comply with the dharmas as enshrined in the scriptures. To-day no one including the renowned sanYAsis are strictly able to follow the dharma in letter and spirit. Day by day there are many distractions and onslaughts which weaken the dharma. There are many who are not concerned with following the path of dharma. They have almost given up every thing and have become a human robot for all practical purposes. But there are some who would like to abide by the dharma but are conditioned by the constraints of desa, kAla and vartamAna. It is only those people who want a dynamic approach to SAstras so that there is an assurance that whatever they do is as per the Scriptures.

The moot question now is whether in such a deteriorating situation we should also revise the SAstras to fit in the modern trends so that it makes every one happy and does not give a guilty feeling regarding non-compliance. In the past, all attempts to rationalize dharma SAstras to make them adaptable to modern times have been condemned by learned scholars as no one has the authority to do so.

Notwithstanding the above, there is always the demand to look at dharma SAstras more practically. Now who would categorically say that a particular aspect is as per dharma or not? The knowledge available is limited and anything said by one person can be easily questioned by others based on each one’s level of understanding. We would be spending time in asking and answering but without any definite conclusion.

The solution to all these questions concerning dharma should be addressed by a dharma sadas consisting of learned Srotriyas who are experts in dharma sAstras constituted by the respective Mutt Heads. It shall be the responsibility of the dharma Sadas to determine what is according to dharma in the prevailing circumstances. Even here, considering the force of kali yuga, we need to follow the three-fold classification of dharma viz., uttama. madhyama and adhama. In the ultimate analysis it would end up that even following the adhama paksha of dharma would be difficult for most of us in the modern context.

In my humble view, on-line Forums can only ask questions but cannot conclude any thing convincingly because of the divergent views. My suggestion is that the esteemed members of the Forums can prepare a set of pointed questions which affect the practice of dharma and leave it to the experts of the dharma Sadas to analyze and resolve based on scriptural authority.

What we have to keep in view is that there are certain prAyascittas prescribed in the dharma SAstras which would mitigate the effects for non-conformance to dharma. Even those would be difficult to follow in the current context. It shall be the endeavor of the dharma Sadas to explore the dharma sAstras in depth and recommend ways and means of compliance which are practicable.

To start with, one can take the initiative in approaching one reputed Mutt to constitute the dharma Sadas. This can then be extended.

In the ultimate analysis:

prAyascittanyaSeshANi tapah karmAtmakAni vai !
yani teshamaSeshANam krishNanusmaraNam param !!

hare krishNa hare krishNa krishNa krishNa hare hare !
hare rAma hare rAma rAma rAma hare hare !!


Regarding reciting the Vedas, the following six types of people are considered as "adhamAh"
gItI SIghrI Sirah kampI tathA likhita pAthakah!
anarthajnah alpakantasca shadete pAthakAdhamah!!
Among the six, those who read Vedas from Books are also condemned.

Based on my limited understanding, the modern mode of listening to digitized Vedas by any one at any place at any time based on one's convenience is not explicitly approved in the SAstras.

Regarding the listeners also, one has to maintain respectfully the sanctity and dignity of the Vedas. Otherwise, listening to Vedas casually as ordinary music while travelling or doing some other work or when one is impure would be against the Scriptural norms.The easy availability of Vedas in digital form to every one irrespective of adhikAri niyama would greatly undermine its sanctity.

A vipra can listen to Vedas keeping the above aspects in view.

No doubt kali yuga dharma is fast devouring all of us and we cannot escape from this fact. Only thing is that we should try to follow whatever little is possible in the circumstances.

By efflux of time though everything becomes acceptable to ordinary people like us, we should not be a party to recommend wholesome changes in the SAstras to suit modern thinking and consumerist living.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


mahAnArAyaNa upanishad xxxix-3

madhu vAtA rutAyate
(Let the air be pleasant)
madhu ksharanti sindhavah
(Let the rivers be pleasant)
mAdhvIrnas santvoshadhIh
(Let the plants and creepers be pleasant)
Madhu naktamutoshasi
(Let the day and night be pleasant)
Madhumat pArthivam rajah
(Let the dust of the earth be pleasant)
Madhu dyaurastu nah pitA
(Let our father-like Sky be pleasant)
madhu mAnno vanaspatih
(Let the herbs be pleasant)
madhumAm astu sUryah
(Let the Sun be pleasant)
mAdhvIr gAvo bhavantu nah
(Let the cows be pleasant to us)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Whether a Brahmana is determined by birth?

Apastamba dharma sUtra clearly establishes that the VarNa is determined by birth. Accordingly a BrAhmaNa is also determined by birth.

catvAro varNo brAhmaNa kshatriya vaiSya SUdrAh ! i-3
tesham pUrvah pUrvo janmatah SreyAn ! i-4

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Vipraha means BrAhmaNaha.
A person is born as a BrAhmaNa.
As the first born among the mortals, he is known as agrajanmA.
After Upanayana. he becomes a dvijaha.
As one learned in Vedas, he is known as a Srotriyaha.
As a deity upon earth, he is known as BhUdevaha.
As one who has emanated from the mukha of the Supreme, he is known as Mukhajaha.
A BrAhmaNa who is only by birth and not by performance of duties is known as BrAhmaNabruvaha.


The Vedic Navagraha Mantras have been compiled mainly from Rig Veda , Atharva Veda and Sukla Yajur Veda .

Jyotisha , one of the six VedAngas, deals mainly with astronomical aspects and is known as the eye of the Vedas. Jyotisha SamhitAs have been composed by Garga, NArada and ParASara. Lord SUrya has composed "SUrya siddhAntam" and taught it to Maya. The works by others include VarAhamihira, Arya Bhatta and BhAskarAcArya. This Science is used to primarily determine the planetary position and fixing auspicious times for performance of Vedic Sacrifices.

In my limited understanding, astrological predictions based on horoscope could have started at a later period.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009





This unique, authentic and comprehensive book on Vedic Management has a special appeal to all management students, professors and practitioners across the globe through its holistic approach to managerial excellence.

For the very first time, this book presents the theory of Vedic Management on a four dimensional perspective incorporating self management, relationship management, relationship management, cosmic management and spiritual management. It portrays the Vedic model of excellence with universal application.

This book integrates modern management principles and practices with ancient wisdom through the eternal voice of the Vedas. It presents a unified and integrated theory of Vedic management. It deals with the A-Z of self management and relationship management. It has a major focus on leadership management. It facilitates human emancipation with a social objective.

Based on an in-depth and comprehensive study of the Vedas, this book demonstrates and proves conclusively that all the progressive modern management principles, concepts and practices are of Vedic origin. It clearly and succinctly establishes that the Vedas pervade the management domain universally cutting across the contours of cultural dualities, inspiring one to act with excellence, foresight and vision coupled with moral and ethical values. It substantiates that the Vedas impart stainless, priceless and immortal managerial wisdom with practical relevance which would always stand the test of time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The 96 (shannavati) pitru tarpaNas to be performed in a year are :
1. amavAsya -- 12
2. yugAdi -- 4
3. manvAdi -- 14
4. Masa tarpaNam -- 12
5. vaiDhruti -- 13
6. vyatIpAtam -- 13
7. mahAlayam -- 16
8. ashtakA -- 4
9. anvashtakA -- 4
10.tisroshtakA -- 4

Monday, September 14, 2009


Performing GayA SrAddham does not mean that one can give up the annual pratyAbdika SrAddham.
As per Scriptures, the following are the three important duties of a Son:

1. Following the words of Parents when they are alive
2. Performance of annual ceremony (SrAddha)
3. Performance of pinda dAnam at GayA

jIvator vAkya karaNat pratyabdam bhUri bhojanAt !
gayAYAm piNda dAnAt ca tribhih putrasya putratA !!

Regarding MahAlaya tarpaNam , it is part of the shaNNavati (96) tarpaNams and hence has to be performed. There are two options given. First, it can be performed for 16 days (paksha mahAlayam) or it can be on a single day (sakrin mahAlayam). The second one is suggested in case one cannot perform it for 16 days.

GayA SrAddham is very important. It immensely pleases the Pitrus.But saying that after performing GayA SrAddham everything else need not be done is incorrect reading of the Scriptures.


As per Scriptures, the following are the three important duties of a Son (Putra):

1. Following the words of Parents when they are alive

2. Performance of annual ceremony (SrAddha)

3. Performance of pinda dAnam at GayA

jIvator vAkya karaNat pratyabdam bhUri bhojanAt !

gayAYAm pinda dAnAt ca tribhih putrasya putratA !!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


In the Book 2 Byte Column of Business Line dated 14th September,2009, a brief review of our Book " Human Values and Professional Ethics" from an IT perspective has been published.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


It is not that Vipras do not know what is their svadharma . There are many dharma SAstras to explain this. Also there are a few role models.

Most of the Vipras are entangled in the Web of the pressures and pulls of modern living. The moot point is how to balance the karmAnushtANas and the Spiritual pursuits along with the struggle for earning livelihood and maintaining relationship harmony.

Friday, September 11, 2009


KAnda Rishi tarpaNam is part of the nitya karma while performing deva- rishi-pitru tarpaNam.

This has to be done daily along with rishi tarpaNam as part of
Brahma yajnam.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


According to tradition, Brahma Yajna has two parts. One is recitation of Veda. Another is deva- rishi-pitru tarpaNam.
Brahma Yajna
has to be performed on a daily basis after mAdhyAnikam. Alternatively, it can be performed in the order : Brahma Yajna (Vedic recitation) --mAdhyanikam -- deva- rishi-pitru tarpaNam. Please note that this is a nitya karma which has to be done daily. According to TaittirIYa AraNyakam, one who daily performs Brahma Yajna reaches the Brahman. BrahmaNas sAyujyam gacchati. Now since most Brahmins have given up this daily practice, it is being done at least on the day of
One important aspect is that this daily Pitru tarpaNam has also to be performed by a person whose father is alive.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


As per tradition, one has to perform Pitru tarpaNam for 96 days in a year. This is known as shaNNavati tarpaNam which includes 16 days of mahAlaya tarpaNam.

The annual pratyAbdika SrAddha is different from the one performed at GayA. There is no pramANam for abandoning the annual SrAddha or MahAlaya Tarpanam once GayA SrAddham is done. According to the Scriptures, these have to be performed till one is alive

Saturday, September 5, 2009


The Vedas glorify the Teacher in many ways.
AcArya devo bhava!
Teacher is God.

athadhi vidyam! Acaryah pUrva rUpam ! antevAsuttara rUpam!
vidYA sandhih ! pracvacanam sandhAnam ! ityadhi vidyam !

Now regarding Learning.
Teacher represents the prior form.
Student represents the posterior form.
Learning is the intermediate form.
Instruction is the connection.
One shall meditate upon Learning as aforesaid.

AcAryAya priyam dhanamAhritya prajA tantum mA vyavachetsIh!
The Student shall offer the fees desired by the Teacher (guru dakshiNA) and shall not cut the thread of his (Student's) lineage.

Sunday, August 23, 2009



This Book consists of five Divisions and twenty nine Chapters. The first Division deals with value education, self exploration, natural acceptance, human aspirations, prosperity, happiness and living in harmony. The second Division focusses on self harmony. It presents a detailed account of the BMIS concept which consists of the human body, mind, intellect and Self. It explains how to live in self harmony. The third Division highlights the various dimensions of relationship harmony in terms of family harmony, societal harmony, spiritual harmony and the values in human relationship. The fourth Division deals with cosmic harmony encompassing harmony in nature, renewable energy, biodiversity, inter-connectedness and co-existence. The fifth Division presents an overview of holistic harmony including human values, professional ethics, code of conduct, human order, individual transformation and societal transformation. The Book contains case studies for practical understanding of the concept of professional ethics. Certain philosophical insights based on Scriptures have also been added in order to enrich the understanding of the value system and harmony in a holistic manner.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


sarvaiSvarya pradAtAram sarvavyAdhi vinASakam !
sarvavedasvarUpam tam satyakolam namamyaham !!

Bestower of all wealth, Destroyer of all diseases
Embodiment of all Vedas, I pray Sri VarAha

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Whether "OM" appears in Veda Samhita?

"OM" appears in vAjasaneya mAdhyandina Sukla Yajur Veda SamhitA ii - 13
"OM pratishtha"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Prayer to Lord Vishnu for getting relief from Fever

vaidyo narayaNo hari:

apAmArjana stotram which is found in vishNu dharmottara purANam is a powerful prayer to Lord vishNu for maintaining good health. Those who are suffering from incurable fevers and diseases get effective cure by reciting this stotram which propitiates the Supreme mainly in the forms of varAha, narasimha, vAmana and vishNu.

Friday, August 7, 2009


The SAstras based on Sruti prescribe the ideal which one has to follow. Depending upon one's SraddhA ( faith) , deSa (place), kAla (time) and vartamAna (environment), religious practices are being done . Many a time we find that there is a big gap between what the Scriptures prescribe and what we do in practice.If we are unable to do as per Scriptures, we should feel sorry and offer our apologies to the devatAs(Deities) / Rishis/ pitrus (Manes) in a spirit of devotion and SraddhA.

Changing the Scriptures for the purpose of adaptability is not warranted nor is it permissible.

Monday, June 29, 2009


As per Vedic tradition, there is a Yajña known as the KArIri Ishti for invoking the Rain God.

In addition we have:
1. VaruNa Mantra
2. RishyaSringa Slokas
3. Azhi Mazhai KaNNa ( of TiruppAvai)

These are very powerful in invoking the rains.
In Music , it is Amrutavarshini RAga.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


As per TaittirIya Upanishad i-11, the canons of Philanthropy ( DAnam) are as follows:

1.Give with faith ( SraddhaYA deyam)
2.Do not give without faith. (aSraddhayA adeyam)
3.Give in plenty (SriyA deyam)
4.Give with modesty (hriyA deyam)
5.Give with sympathy ( bhiyA deyam)
6.Give with knowledge (samvidA deyam).

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Whether Surgery is mentioned in the Vedas?

There is reference in the Vedas about Surgery and Dentistry.

The Asvins fixed an equine head on Dadhyac. -- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad ii-5-17

Dentistry is mentioned in the Vedas. -- Aitareya Brahmana iii-6-3, Aitareya Brahmana ii-1-5

Monday, June 1, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Whether Upanayanam is prescribed for Girls?

In Manu Smriti, there is no reference about a Girl being initiated through Upanayanam.

In Manu Smriti ii-67 it is stated as follows:

VaivAhiko Vidhih StriNAm SamskAro Vaidika: Smritah !
Pati SevA Gurau VAso GrhArtho AgniparikriyA !!

For girls the VivAha Vedic ceremony is to be done in lieu of Upanayana.
Their Serving the husband is in lieu of Gurukula VAsa.
Their Performance of household duties is in lieu of worship of sacrificial fires

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Avatars and Vedas

The following is from Rig Veda i-154-1 which praises about the Trivikrama Avatara wherein Bhagavan measured the entire Universe with his divine feet:

vishNornukam vīryāNi pravocam Yah pārthivāni vimamerajāmsi

yo askabhāyaduttaram sadhastham vicakramāNastredhorugāyah

The following is from Rig Veda i-154-2 which mentions both about Trivikrama Avatara and Narasimha Avatara whereby Bhagavan Killed the Demon Hiranya Kasipu by taking the form of Man-Lion.

pra tad vishNu stavate vīryeNa mrgo na bhīmah kucaro girishthāh

yasyorushu trishu vikramaNeshu adhikshiyanti bhuvanāni viśvā

Like the above there are many Vedic Verses which deal with the Avatara

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Whether Chanakya finds a place in Srimad Bhagavatham?

There is a reference about ChAnakya in Srimad BhAgavatham xii-1-1

nava nandAn dvijah kascit prapannAn uddharshayati !

tesAm abhAve jagatim maurya bhoksyanti vai kalau !!

A certain Brahmana {Chanakya} will destroy the dynasty of King Nanda and his eight sons. The Mauryas will rule over the earth in their absence in Kali Yuga.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Whether Avatar of God is mentioned in the Vedas ?

There is clear mention of the Avatar ( incarnation) of God in the Vedas.

It is obvious from the Vedic Verse ajAyamAno bahudhA vijAyate (forming part of Purusha Sukta) that though unborn, Bhagavan takes avatar and that those who are steadfast know well his true form. The meaning is that a mortal is born due to his Karma whereas Bhagavan takes an Avatar based on His free Will. He is not bound by any Karma as He is always unattached towards it.

The following is from Taittiriya Aranyaka iii-40, iii-41 of Krishna Yajur Veda.

ajAyamAno bahudhA vijAyate

tasya dheerA: parijAnanti yonim

The following is from Vajasaneya Samhita - Madhyandina Sakha xxxi-19 of Sukla Yajur Veda

ajAyamAno bahudhA vijAyate

tasya yonim paripasyanti dheerA:

Saturday, May 16, 2009


The Karmas are of three types :

Sañcita -- Accumulated over countless previous Births
Prarabdha -- Which has to be necessarily experienced in this Birth
Agami -- Produced now due to Current Karmas to be experienced in future.

There is always the concept of limited applicability of freewill as well. By doing Prayascitta Karmas it is possible to mitigate the ill-effects to some extent.

Karma phalas are of three types Papa, Punya and Misra (Mixed).

If an action is done without attachment to its result, it does not bind the doer.

The Yuga dharma also influences a person in his actions.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Whether Mangalya Dharanam is mentioned in the Vedic Scriptures?

As per Grihya Sutras, there is no practice of Mangalya Dharanam.

The important marriage ritual which consummates Marriage is holding the hand of the Bride by the Groom and doing Sapta Padi ( Joint Seven steps)..

From the bride's side it is
Kanya Danam.
From the Groom's side it is Pani Grahanam ( Holding of Hand)

But there has been the practice of Mangalya dharanam for a long period.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What is the meaning of the word "Sutra" appearing in the Abhivadanam?

Sutra refers to the Grihya/ Srauta Sutra according to which one has to perform the various Nithya and Naimittika Karmas as per Vedic tradition. For example, for Krishna Yajur Veda , Apastamba Sutra is the prescribed Sutra . One who is born in this lineage has to perform the Vedic rituals in Krishna Yajur Veda as ordained by Apastamba Rishi in the Apastamba Grihya/ Srauta Sutras.

Friday, May 8, 2009


How to say " Abhivaadaye----"

1. Abhivaadaye
2. (.........) (..........) (.........) Trayaarsheya
{ Mention three Seers if your Gotra has three seers}
(.........)(.........) (..........) (.........) (.........) Pancaarsheya
{Mention five Seers if your Gotra has five seers }
3. (...........) gotraH
{ Mention your Gotra}
4. (...........) sutraH
{ Mention your Sutra}
5. (..............) shaakhaa adhyaayi
{ Mention your Veda Sakha}
6. Shri (..............) sharmaa
{Mention your Name}
naamaahaM asmi bhoH !

While doing AbhivAdanam the following points have to be kept in view:

1) If One does AbhivAdanam to a respected person, that other person should say pratyabhivadanam (blessing) .

2) One should not say AbhivAdanam to SannyAsis, Women (other than one’s mother), Deities , Group of people .

3) AbhivAdanam should be done only on a one to one basis.

4) AbhivAdanam during performance of Karmas like Sandhya vandanam is allowed.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


There are 31 Upanishads which belong to Atharva Veda.
List of Upanishads which pertain to Atharva Veda:

1) Annapurna Upanishad
2) Atharvasikha Upanishad
3) Atharvasiras Upanishad
4) Atma Upanishad
5) Bhasma-Jabala Upanishad
6) Bhavana Upanishad
7) Brihad-Jabala Upanishad
8) Dattatreya Upanishad
9) Devi Upanishad
10) Ganapati Upanishad
11) Garuda Upanishad
12) Gopala-Tapaniya Upanishad
13) Hayagriva Upanishad
14) Krishna Upanishad
15) Maha-Vakya Upanishad
16) Mandukya Upanishad
17) Mundaka Upanishad
18) Narada-Parivrajaka Upanishad
19) Nrisimha-Tapaniya Upanishad
20) Para-Brahma Upanishad
21) Paramahamsa-Parivrajaka Upanishad
22) Pasupata-Brahmana Upanishad
23) Prasna Upanishad
24) Rama-Rahasya Upanishad
25) Rama-Tapaniya Upanishad
26) Sandilya Upanishad
27) Sarabha Upanishad
28) Sita Upanishad
29) Surya Upanishad
30) Tripadvibhuti-Mahanarayana Upanishad
31) Tripura-Tapini Upanishad

Thursday, March 19, 2009


There are 16 Upanishads which belong to Sama Veda.

List of Upanishads which pertain to Sama Veda:

1) Aruni Upanishad
2) Avyakta Upanishad
3) Chandogya Upanishad
4) Darsana Upanishad
5) Jabali Upanishad
6) Kena Upanishad
7) Kundika Upanishad
8) Maha Upanishad
9) Maitrayani Upanishad
10) Maitreya Upanishad
11) Rudraksha-Jabala Upanishad
12) Sannyasa Upanishad
13) Savitri Upanishad
14) Vajrasuchika Upanishad
15) Vasudeva Upanishad
16) Yoga-Chudamani Upanishad

Saturday, March 14, 2009


There are 32 Upanishads which belong to Krishna Yajur Veda.

List of Upanishads which pertain to Krishna Yajur Veda:

1) Akshi Upanishad
2) Amrita-Bindhu Upanishad
3) Amrita-Nada Upanishad
4) Avadhuta Upanishad
5) Brahma-Vidya Upanishad
6) Brahma Upanishad
7) Dakshinamurti Upanishad
8) Dhyana-Bindu Upanishad
9) Ekakshara Upanishad
10) Garbha Upanishad
11) Kaivalya Upanishad
12) Kalagni-Rudra Upanishad
13) Kali-Santarana Upanishad
14) Katha Upanishad
15) Katharudra Upanishad
16) Kshurika Upanishad
17) Maha-Narayana (or) Yajniki Upanishad
18) Pancha-Brahma Upanishad
19) Pranagnihotra Upanishad
20) Rudra-Hridaya Upanishad
21) Sarasvati-Rahasya Upanishad
22) Sariraka Upanishad
23) Sarva-Sara Upanishad
24) Skanda Upanishad
25) Suka-Rahasya Upanishad
26) Svetasvatara Upanishad
27) Taittiriya Upanishad
28) Tejo-Bindu Upanishad
29) Varaha Upanishad
30) Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad
31) Yoga-Sikha Upanishad
32) Yoga-Tattva Upanishad

Sunday, March 8, 2009


There are 19 Upanishads which belong to Sukla Yajur Veda.

List of Upanishads which pertain to Sukla Yajur Veda:

1. Adhyatma Upanishad
2. Advaya-Taraka Upanishad
3. Bhikshuka Upanishad
4. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
5. Hamsa Upanishad
6. Isavasya Upanishad
7. Jabala Upanishad
8. Mandala-Brahmana Upanishad
9. Mantrika Upanishad
10. Muktika Upanishad
11. Niralamba Upanishad
12. Paingala Upanishad
13. Paramahamsa Upanishad
14. Satyayaniya Upanishad
15. Subala Upanishad
16. Tara-Sara Upanishad
17. Trisikhi-Brahmana Upanishad
18. Turiyatita-Avadhuta Upanishad
19. Yajnavalkya Upanishad

Saturday, March 7, 2009


There are 10 Upanishads which belong to Rig Veda.

List of Upanishads which pertain to Rig Veda:
1. Aitareya Upanishad
2. Aksha-Malika Upanishad
3. Atma-Bodha Upanishad
4. Bahvricha Upanishad
5. Kaushitaki-Brahmana Upanishad
6. Mudgala Upanishad
7. Nada-Bindu Upanishad
8. Nirvana Upanishad
9. Saubhagya-Lakshmi Upanishad
10. Tripura Upanishad

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ancient values for modern managers

The Vedas insist on proper distribution of wealth. Wealth earned by 100 hands has to be distributed to 1,000 hands.
What accounts for the sudden downfall of otherwise successful organisations? Are there any insights from the scriptures in this regard?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Twenty ancient values for the modern manager - Interview

Twenty ancient values for the modern manager
D. Murali
Chennai: What accounts for the sudden downfall of otherwise successful organisations? Are there any insights from the scriptures in this regard?
In answer to these questions, Dr S. Kannan, a Chennai-based chartered accountant, and author of ‘Vedic Management’ (, finds it apt to cite the maxim ‘Vinasa kale viparita buddhih,’ which in Sanskrit means that when one is on the path of destruction, his mind gets perverted.
“This happens due to the negative vasanas (inherent impressions) of a person which suddenly manifest and show the true colours,” he explains during the course of a recent email interaction with Business Line.
“Kings like Ravana and Duryodhana, though highly learned, powerful and wealthy, faced destruction finally when they went against dharma (righteousness). The great king Harischandra suffered a lot but emerged finally victorious as he remained steadfast and upheld truth at all costs,” says Dr Kannan, making a reference to the epics.
He also quotes from the Vajasaneya Samhita that one shall not covet the wealth of others. “In the organisational context, it is the top leader who either makes or breaks the organisation. Hence a leader should master the art of proper self-management and abide by the moral and ethical values.”
Excerpts from the interview.
These days, we hear a lot about corporate governance. Is this a topic on which we can draw from ancient Indian wisdom?

Thursday, January 8, 2009


The Vedas inspire one to follow the path of total transparency, truthfulness and righteousness, which constitute the substratum of proper Corporate Governance.

Vedic Quotes

Speak the truth
Satyam Vada!
Follow the path of righteousness
Dharmam Cara!

Do not swerve from truth

Satyanna pramaditavyam!

Do not swerve from the path of righteousness
Dharmanna Pramaditavyam!

The Earth is sustained by truth

Satyenottabhita Bhumih!

The mind, speech and action shall be aligned

Tasmat yatpurusho manasabhi gacchati !
Tad vaca vadati !
Tad karmana karoti !

Therefore truthfulness is considered Supreme.

Tasmat Satyam Paramam Vadanti !

Therefore righteousness is considered Supreme.

Tasmat Dharmam Paramam Vadanti !

Truth alone triumphs

Satyameva Jayate !

All are established in truth.
Satye Sarvam Pratisthitam !

I speak the truth

Satyam vadishyami !