The OmkAra upAsana is intended mainly for sanyAsis. There are a lot of restrictions in the Vedic Scriptures regarding the usage of PraNava.
Considering the modern times, if the term is retained as Yoga (which is mainly Asana and PrAnAyAma for many) and the world acknowledges that it belongs to BhArata as part of its sanAtana dharma, it is enough to start with. Later when some people develop intense faith in the Yoga system, they can look into the eight limbs of Yoga in a holistic manner comprising of yama, niyama, Asana, PrANAyAma, PratyAhAra, DhyAna, DhAraNa, and samAdhi. This could be construed to be one non-controversial strategy to make the world aware of the potentials of Yoga and realize immense benefits from Yoga practices.
जयजय श्रीराधे