GItA has the main objective of Bhakti Yoga . But there are other valued aspects
related to Karma and JnAna as well. Karma Yoga can be applied to both
materialistic pursuits and religious/spiritual endeavors. The principles are the same. While one
is about society another is regarding divinity. Instead of not doing any thing (Karma SanyAsa) Karma Yoga is far superior. The philosophical inputs of Gita
appeals to the mind, body and intellect representing Bhakti, Karma and JnAna
Yogas. We can emulate best practices of great men as well both at the
materialistic and religious / spiritual levels:
Yadyat Acarati Sreshthah
tadtadevetaro janah !
sa yat pramANam kurute lokas tadanuvartate !!
sa yat pramANam kurute lokas tadanuvartate !!
--- Bh. G . iii- 21