स॒मा॒नी व॒ आकू॑तिः समा॒ना हृद॑यानि वः|
स॒मा॒नम॑स्तु वो॒ मनो॒ यथा॑ वः॒ सुस॒हास॑ति||
स॒मा॒नम॑स्तु वो॒ मनो॒ यथा॑ वः॒ सुस॒हास॑ति||
Rg Veda x- 191-4
The aforesaid Mantra is the last Mantra of Rg Veda
The context is regarding a common and harmonious
resolution, heart and thought among the Ritvigs (Priests who conduct the
sacrifice) while performance of the Yajna.
This talks about seamless integration among
intellect, mind and heart for bringing out unity and harmony.
There is always a dichotomy between the head and
the heart. The head goes for a particular path. The heart says it may bring
problems to others and let us not take undue advantage. Let us be fair and
equitable to all.
This means that perfect harmony among the
stakeholders leads to managerial excellence.
Excellence is achieved by harmonious resolution
(intention), harmonious heart (wishes) and harmonious thought. This is
important for achieving Unity and peaceful co-existence in a collaborative
manner. This principle of holistic Vedic harmony can be applied at an organizational
level or societal level or national level or Universal level.