According to SArnga Deva, the three-fold symphony in terms of Song, instrumental music and dance is known as SangItam.
gItam vAdyam tathA nruttam trayam sangItamucyate !
According to Locana PaNdita, GItam comprises of nAda and akshara. Nada is the musical sound while akshara refers to the musical composition in words.
DhAtu mAtu samAyuktam gItamityucyate budhaih !
Tatra nAdAtmako dhAtur mAtur akshara sambhavah !!
Anything which is sung is known as gItam.
gIyata iti gItam !
GItam owes its origin to sAma Veda which is made up of Suddha svara.
sAma VedAt idam gItam samjagrAha pitAmahah!
VAdyam includes string instruments like VINA, drum instruments like Mrudanga, bell metal instruments like cymbals and pipe instruments like flute.
Nrutya consists of abhinayas representing various gesticulations in terms of eye glances, hand poses and feet movements.