Saturday, September 3, 2011


SrIgovindapriyAm rAjnIm brundAvanamanoharIm !
krupAsvarUpiNIm divyAm RAdhA DevIm namAmyaham!!

1) RadhAshtami is celebrated with great festivity to mark the auspicious birth day of SrI RadharANi.

(2) It is celebrated on the Sukla paksha ashtami (noon) of bhAdrapada month.

(3) This Year RadhAshtami is celebrated on 5th September, 2011.

(4) RadhAshtami is being celebrated in a grand manner especially in BarsAna , the birth place of SrI RadharANi. and in Brindavan for a very long time.

(5) SrI RadharANi 's beloved father is VrushabhAnu and mother is Kirtida